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Introducing Associate Professor Christina Johnson, a 2022 ANZAHPE early career prize winner

13 Sep 2022 10:52 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

Congratulations to Associate Professor Christina Johnson of The University of Melbourne, one of the ANZAHPE early career prize winners (Supported by Richard Hays), for her Project titled: Guiding educators in learner-centred feedback: designing, testing and refining; the feedback quality instrument

"I was fortunate to be awarded a 2022 ANZAHPE prize for my PhD research on developing the Feedback Quality Instrument (FQI), conducted at the University of Melbourne. The FQI describes practical ways for educators to support learners to improve through clinical feedback conversations. The prize brings multiple benefits including recognition of quality research, opportunity to present at the conference with complimentary registration, plus $500. I am very grateful to the Society for such a generous award. I highly recommend others apply!

Hence, I presented at the ANZAHPE conference, which enabled me to showcase our research and discuss it with others. There is rich health professions education community across Australia and New Zealand, and the conference provides wonderful opportunities to hear about so many interesting research projects. I hope winning the prize will open up future opportunities for collaborations, and maybe even increase our chances of future research funding!"




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