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ANZAHPE has an agreement with the Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (AIPPEN) that supports a close relationship between ANZAHPE and AIPPEN.

Learn more about AIPPEN here

Upcoming events



IPE Session 2 2024: 'How can we assess teamwork in interprofessional education?'

Carl will reflect on his experience facilitating and assessing students IPE initiatives at the University of Sydney. He will spark a conversation about one the recently revised IPEC core competencies: teamwork and the expectation that they can adapt their role in a variety of team. Carl will outline cognitive and affective skills that students are expected to demonstrate and describe an approach to assessing teamwork that is mapped to Kirkpatrick’s model of training evaluation. Using this background information, participants discuss how they might use this approach to assess teamwork with students in their IPE programs, including potential benefits and challenges.


MARCH 2024

IPE Session 1 2024: 'How to get ahead in publishing on all things interprofessional'

Content for Jill's presentation will cover the following:

> The publication journey
> Choosing a journal
> What makes a good paper
> Reasons for acceptance and rejection
> Evaluation versus research papers
> Responding to reviewers
> Strategies for clear writing



2023 IPE Session 4: 'Propelling Rural IPE research'

Whilst rural healthcare settings are best placed to undertake interprofessional education and collaborative practice, research on this can be hard to achieve and sustain given the workforce and resource constraints these regions typically phase. Dr Priya Martin will share insights on propelling rural IPE research based on her experiences of championing rural IPE research and informed by a recent review of the literature.

Meet colleagues in our conversation-based session that will be kick-started by Megan Anakin and Heidi Waldron. Participants will be encouraged to draw on their own experiences to make connections and exchange ideas.



2023 IPE Session 3: 'Perspective taking' and ‘engaging in dialogue’: health humanities approaches that are applicable for designing and facilitating interprofessional learning (IPL)

Our conversation-based session is kick-started by Professor Sandra Carr, Head of Health Professions Education at UWA. Sandra has over 20 years experience leading health professions education (HPE), faculty-wide curriculum development and mixed methods research. There are many opportunities for IPL in the postgraduate HPE courses, and Sandra is currently developing an undergraduate major in Humanities for Health and Medicine. Participants will be encouraged to draw on their own experiences to make connections and exchange ideas.


APRIL 2023

2023 IPE Session 2: Is the presence and visibility of collaborative practice a significant positive contributor to the “culture” of a placement and therefore the learning environment?

A conversation-based session kick-started by Heidi Waldron. Participants were encouraged to draw on their own experiences to make connections and exchange ideas.

Dale Sheehan draws on her experience conducting interviews with both undergraduate and new graduate doctors as part of a project to explore the culture of a range of clinical placements seeking to make visible the key features of each placement.

In this study Dale recognises three perspectives on culture and seeks to explore them all in the context of clinical learning environments. Practice perspective, such as "How things are done here!" is the key perspective on culture that Dale considers in this session.


MARCH 2023

2023 IPE Session 1: Designing a faculty-wide IPE programme in the post-COVID world

Gary reflects on his experience designing a faculty-wide IPE programme at Griffith University over a period of pre-COVID years and how he is approaching supporting colleagues to undertake the same task at Deakin University but in a world changed by the pandemic. Participants will discuss their experiences designing IPE initiatives and consider ways that the pandemic has presented new challenges and opportunities.

Professor Gary D. Rogers is a health professions educational leader, public health researcher and GP with a focus on HIV medicine. He commenced as Professor and Dean of the School of Medicine at Deakin University in June 2020. He is also an active member of ANZAHPE and AIPPEN.


Practice as you play: resolving the timetable barriers of interprofessional education on clinical placement

Fiona will outline the format and structure of her successful, synchronous, student scheduled IPE module on anti-racism. Participants will be encouraged to draw on their own experiences to make connections and exchange ideas. In this session, we anticipate that you will leave with at least one new idea to explore and widen your network of colleagues with interests in interprofessional education.


MAY 2022

AIPPEN IPE Networking Session: Exchanging ideas about introducing interprofessional facilitation to colleagues

The authors of the AIPPEN Guide to Facilitating Inter-professional Education: Fiona Kent, Megan Anakin, Margo Brewer, Krista Cockrell, Lyn Gum, and Caterina Tannous will demonstrate and discuss strategies to support colleagues new to IPE facilitation.


MARCH 2022

AIPPEN IPE Networking Session: Exchanging ideas about how to facilitate interaction and create safe learning spaces for IPE

Exchanging ideas about how to facilitate interaction and create safe learning spaces for IPE

In this networking session, we discuss strategies to facilitate interaction between students in face to face and Zoom classes. Eileen McKinlay and Linda Gulliver will start our conversation with a brief overview of their approach before opening the discussion for others to build on. The goal of this AIPPEN sponsored event is to encourage conversations between people interested in IPE to exchange ideas and share practice.

Eileen McKinlay is an Associate Professor and Director of the IPE Centre, University of Otago. She has been facilitating in-person IPE for many years. Since 2020, Eileen has worked at adapting IPE for Zoom delivery.

Linda Gulliver is a Senior Lecturer and IPE Academic Lead for the Division of Health Sciences, University of Otago (Dunedin campus). She also Convenes an Integrated Case-based Programme for second and third-year medical students at the Otago Medical School. Linda has facilitated small group learning for medical students since 2005.





P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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