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planetary health education

We are facing not only a climate crisis but an ecological crisis that is impacting on health and well-being. All health professions thus have a responsibility to educate eco-ethical leaders who not only advocate for patients and communities but also for our ecosystems. In addition, health care has an ecological footprint and ‘does harm’ so our graduates need to be resource stewards.  There is an urgency with which this needs to be achieved. This HTAG will draw on the existing expertise across the health professions to advance this urgent agenda whilst providing leadership and mentorship for educators new to this field. In addition to guides relating to medical education, other health professions such as Occupational Therapy and Environmental Physiotherapy are advancing this urgent agenda. 

The HTAG emphasis will be on planetary health education, which includes climate (one of several global environmental changes and planetary boundaries) and sustainable health care (reducing the footprint of health care; resource stewardship) education. While much of this education is based on Western constructs,  Indigenous perspectives can no longer be ignored. In an award-winning 2020 publication, Nicole Redvers and her fellow Indigenous educators, provided a strengths-based approach to Indigenising sustainable health care and planetary health education.  The recent AMEE Consensus Statement on Planetary Health and Education for Sustainable Healthcare also includes Indigenous perspectives. 

The purpose of the HTAG is to share experiences and develop resources around inclusive planetary health education across disciplines. There will certainly be some research emanating from this work. As a community of practice, the Group could also inform policies and standards at a national level. 

If you are interested in joining this Group, please contact Graeme Horton,

HTAG Lead:

A/Prof Graeme Horton, Head of General Practice and Primary Care, The University of Newcastle, NSW. 




    P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
    Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
    Phone: +61 478 313 123
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    President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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