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ANZAHPE's 50th Year Anniversary

ANZAHPE celebrates its 50th Anniversary over the 2022/2023 year. In recognition of the success of ANZAHPE as a networking community and peer association, ANZAHPE will be celebrating this milestone in a multitude of ways.


The 50th anniversary committee members include; Julie Ash, Chinthaka Balasooriya, Jo Bishop, Ben Canny, Monica Moran, Phillippa Poole, David Prideaux, Gary Rogers, Dale Sheehan, Andy Wearn, Tim Wilkinson and Jill Romeo.


    ANZAHPE celebrates its 50th year anniversary in 2022, and to mark this significant milestone is publishing a series of papers on themes representing the core values of ANZAHPE. The papers will be published across a number of issues in the ANZAHPE journal, Focus on Health Professional Education (FoHPE), starting in the December 2022 Vol 23.4. The papers are forward-looking, innovative and focus on the future of Health Professional Education in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and globally. The papers are authored by selected key contributors to ANZAHPE who have enlisted supporting authors.

    Find our 50th Anniversary papers below:

    Title: The future role of healthcare mentors and coaches in navigating workplace culture

    Authors: Romany Anne Martin, Jodie Copley, Ruth Dunwoodie, Roma Forbes, Laura Joyce, Allison Mandrusiak, Christy Noble, Anne Pearson, Jan Radford, Tim Wilkinson & Dale Sheehan

    Read this paper here

    Editorial: 50 years of ANZAME/ANZAHPE: Looking forward, looking back - David Prideaux

    Read Editorial here

    Title: The “ANZAHPE Way”: Nurturing health professionals, educators, learners and researchers in the next 50 years

    Authors: Julie Katherine Ash, Megan Anakin, Ben Canny, Charlotte Denniston, Elizabeth Molloy, Gary Rogers, Jill Romeo, Joy Rudland, Adrian Schoo, Joanna Tai, Anna Vnuk

    Read this paper here

    Title: Evolution or revolution to programmatic assessment: Considering unintended consequences of assessment change

    Authors: Anna Ryan, Deborah O'Mara, Mike Tweed

    Read this paper here

    Title: Making the invisible visible: How cultural hegemony and uncertainty help us understand health professional education inequities

    Authors: Michelle Lazarus, Gabriel García Ochoa, Mandy Truong, Gabrielle Brand

    Read this paper here

    Title: Reconceptualising faculty development for the future

    Authors: Koshila Kumar, Svetlana King, Gillian Kette

    Read this paper here

    Title: Walking backwards into the future of health professional practice

    Authors: Hamish Wilson, Lucy O'Hagan, Martyn Williamson

    Read this paper here

    Title: Health humanities for inclusive, globally interdependent, supportive and decolonised health professional education: The future is health humanities!

    Authors: Sandra Carr, Claire Hooker

    Read this paper here

    Title: Interprofessional education for the next 50 years

    Authors: Margo Brewer, Sherryn Evans, Lyn Gum, Fiona Kent, Megan Anakin

    Read this paper here


    o 1972 1st ANZAME meeting o 1998 1st FoHPE publication

    o 1973 1st ANZAME conference o 2006 ANZAHPE Executive Officer

    o 1981 1st ANZAME Award recipient o 2010 ANZAHPE Website

    o 1984 PeArLS introduced o 2011 ANZAME to ANZAHPE

    o 1987 Research Grant scheme o 2015 Fellowship scheme

    o 1992 1st Honorary membership o 2021 ANZAHPE ONLINE PD program

    ANZAHPE's 50th Anniversary logo has been designed by ANZAHPE member and FoHPE Associate Editor, Professor Andy Wearn.

    I am fortunate to have been involved in a number of significant moments in ANZAHPE’s history over the last 22 years. Of these, several have included some aspect of new visuals or branding. As such, I have enjoyed drawing upon my creative side to assist the Association.

    One of those creative moments was the revised logo, when we transitioned from ANZAME to ANZAHPE. I also acknowledge the input of Pippa, the rest of the CoM at the time and then a very positive collaboration with the then graphic artist. The logo was intended to position us in the global health professional education field, to stress our networks and connectedness, to use existing brand colours, and to value First Nation symbols. Weaving is part of Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island culture and has conceptual and cultural meaning: thus, the woven, connected lines.

    As we approached our anniversary year, I was invited to consider a logo design to mark this waypoint. The design was developed with the input and oversight of the Anniversary planning group.

    We already had a ‘50th’ graphic for the 2022 Festival - this seemed like a natural starting point, tying into what was already there. I then had to think about how we encompass past, present and future and link to our existing logo. There was also consideration to our special place in Australasia.

    So, I started to scribble and draft. I prefer to work with pencil, pen and paper initially.

    Extending the top of the number ‘5’ into an arrow was an obvious early idea. Dropping the ANZAHPE logo into the ‘0’ was another early element. I then wanted to represent key ANZAHPE activities over time, and a line of flowing dots quickly became my preferred motif. I always like joining design elements, so running one of the strands from the ANZAHPE logo onto the new logo was a feature I played with.

    Colour palette was the next consideration. We already had red, white, and grey. Adding black was an obvious choice in maintaining a relatively monotone look.

    I was also thinking about our place, our cultures, our advocacy of First Nation educational opportunity and health. In art, one must walk a fine line between inspiration from and appropriation of cultural iconography and technique. In a simple way I have tried to use forms and colours that reference some of these.

    My concept was taken by the graphic artist that the association uses. The group was presented with digitised options, based on the concept, and the final design chosen.

    The finished design keeps some elements of the ‘hand-drawn’ feel, combines the two existing logos, and represents a flow of activity over time and into the future. Art is subjective and will always divide people. My hope is that the Anniversary logo feels connected to who we are, who we want to be, where we are, and has a slightly unfinished feel – there is more work to do.


    The Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) was formed in 1972 as ANZAME (the Australasian and New Zealand Association for Medical Education) by a small band of medical educators striving to develop medical education as a scientific discipline. These early members were mostly from medical schools and shared the view that teaching should be student-centred, and that "problem solving" should provide the basic philosophical and psychological underpinning of the new medical curricula.

    The life of the organisation has paralleled the substantial changes in learning and teaching in health professional education that have occurred in the last 40 years. Since then the membership has expanded to embrace all of the health professions, many of whom have educational sub-specialities.

    Download and read the 25 year anniversary ANZAME History.

    Read the History of ANZAME here




    P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
    Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
    Phone: +61 478 313 123
    ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
    ANZAHPE Administration:

    President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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