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The Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) is the peak organisation for practitioners involved in the education and training of health professionals in Australia and New Zealand. ANZAHPE (pronounced affectionately as "anza-pee") is comprised of clinicians, academic educators and students, and supports and advances education in the health care professions.

ANZAHPE's core objectives are to:

  • promote, support and advance education in the health professions
  • facilitate communication between educators in the health professions
  • promote undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education and training
  • recognise, facilitate and disseminate high quality educational research in health professional education
  • be the focal point for health professions education in western Pacific region.

Previously known as ANZAME (Australian & New Zealand Association of Medical Education), ANZAHPE is now a truly multidisciplinary organisation, encompassing undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education and training. The Association facilitates communication between educators in the health care professions by providing a network and database of expertise, and collaboration and dissemination through its Journal and newsletter.

ANZAHPE promotes educational research and good practice through seeding grants, awards and conference presentations and through its peer-reviewed journal, Focus on Health Professional Education. The Annual Conference offers a forum for sharing of research, experiences and ideas towards the improvement of health professional education. Our network of education researchers contribute to the international evidence base for health professional education. ANZAHPE is managed by an elected Committee of Management.

ANZAHPE’s strategic priorities, are to:  

1.       Support research and scholarship in health professions education
2.       Develop national and international networks, partnerships and collaborations
3.       Provide strategic leadership around key issues in health professions education
4.     Advocate for equity and justice in relation to health professions education


The History of the Association

The Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) was formed in 1972 as ANZAME (the Australasian and New Zealand Association for Medical Education) by a small band of medical educators striving to develop medical education as a scientific discipline. These early members were mostly from medical schools and shared the view that teaching should be student-centred, and that "problem solving" should provide the basic philosophical and psychological underpinning of the new medical curricula.

The life of the organisation has paralleled the substantial changes in learning and teaching in health professional education that have occurred in the last 40 years. Since then the membership has expanded to embrace all of the health professions, many of whom have educational sub-specialities.

Download and read the 25 year anniversary ANZAME History.

25 Year Anniversary ANZAME History


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Search here for your current ANZAHPE Fellows.

A group of distinguished and recognised senior members of ANZAHPE that support the development of those with less experience through a culture of mentorship and encouragement.



P O Box 852,
Renmark, SA  5341  Australia
Telephone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: A/Prof Jo Bishop

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