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HTAG: sustaining work-placed learning - a health professional team-based approach

HTAG lead: Joy Rudland - Director of Educational Support and Staff Development at the University of Otago

We have 14 inaugural members representing a variety of Health Professional Educators including medicine, physiotherapy, speech pathology, radiography, nursing and mid-wifery.  This HTAG will operate for 3 years with a clear focus on producing some tangible outputs.  A particular stance will be taken in respect to supporting the ‘team’ in order to elicit a sustainable and self-regulatory effect on maintaining a positive learning environment.

At the inaugural meeting a decision was made to create / produce a resource (report) for interested ANZAHPE members on ‘Strategies to assist Health Professionals in generating a positive learning environment’.   To contextualize this resource will are starting with fact finding to developing a bench mark in respect to what is happening now.  All members of the group have circulated a key article that they have found particularly relevant to the topic.  

Members of the HTAG also submitted a PeARLS abstract for consideration at the ANZAHPE conference in Melbourne .  As there is a focus on working on a specific project the HTAG will become a closed group.    The group with give regular up-dates to ANZAHPE.

We look forward to an exciting period of growth and development.

If you are interested in joining this group, please do not hesitate to contact:  Joy Rudland




P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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