2024 ANZAHPE RESEARCH GRANT ROUND - NOW OPENABOUT The ANZAHPE Grants for Educational Research were established in 1987 with the aim of encouraging and fostering research and development in the education of health professionals. The grants are a one-time offer of support, rather than a continuing fund, It is hoped that these grants will allow the recipients to pursue educational research that is unlikely to be funded by other sources. ANZAHPE is particularly keen to support new and emerging educational researchers. ANZAHPE grants are intended to encourage quality research into any issue associated with the education of health professionals. In 2024, priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate a link to one or more of ANZAHPE’s aims, which are to: 1. Support research and scholarship in health professions education 2. Develop national and international networks, partnerships and collaborations 3. Provide strategic leadership around key issues in health professions education 4. Advocate for equity and justice in relation to health professions education CONDITIONS
The primary investigator must be an Australian or New Zealand resident and a financial member of ANZAHPE. Research grants can be used to undertake a small project, to begin a project for which continuing support could then be sought from other sources or to progress an existing project through a defined activity such as, the development or validation of instruments, funding research assistance or equipment necessary to begin a project. Research grants can also be used to fund an entire piece of research. Please note, the number of investigators per application is limited to 5 people and multiple applications from the same person as the project lead or research team will not be considered. Please send us your one best project idea. The funded project should be completed within 12 months of receiving the awarded funding. Recipients are required to acknowledge ANZAHPE in any publications resulting from their research grant. On completion of the project (that is, within 12 months of receipt of funding) a report from the recipient must be sent to the ANZAHPE Office. The recipient must present the outcomes of the project at the ANZAHPE conference and /or submit for publication to Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal. A synopsis of each successful grant will be published on the ANZAHPE website. HEAR FROM OUR SCHOLARSHIP AND RESEARCH CHAIR, DR MEGAN ANAKIN ABOUT THE ANZAHPE GRANTS |