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  • 8 Apr 2020 6:00 AM | Jill Romeo (Administrator)

    Dr Charlotte Denniston is a Lecturer of Medical Education in the Department of Medical Education, Melbourne Medical School. 

    Charlotte holds a Bachelor Physiotherapy (Hons) Degree (2008) and PhD in health professions education (2018) from Monash University. 

    Charlotte’s PhD and subsequent research and scholarship has focused on aspects of professional practice such as healthcare communication and professionalism as well as learning in the workplace. 

    Through her teaching and learning work at the University of Melbourne, Monash University, and her previous role as Education Advisor at the College of Intensive Care Medicine, Charlotte has been involved in the professional development of clinical supervisors across the continuum of health professions education (HPE). Charlotte also has an interest in exploring the patient’s voice in HPE.

    Charlotte applied for AFANZAHPE to engage with the supportive mentorship culture provided by the Fellowship scheme, and to build a stronger connection with members of the HPE community across Australia and New Zealand.

  • 8 Apr 2020 6:00 AM | Jill Romeo (Administrator)
    Professor Lambert Schuwirth obtained his MD from Maastricht University. In 1991, he joined the Department of Educational Development and Research there, taking up various roles in student assessment: Chairman of the Inter-university and the Local Progress Test Review Committee, the OSCE Review Committee and the Case-based Testing Committee.
    Since the early 2000s, he has been Chair of the overall Taskforce on Assessment. He has been advisor on assessment to medical colleges in the Netherlands and the UK. In 2010, he chaired an international consensus group on educational research, the results of which were published in Medical Teacher.

    Since 2007, he has been a full-professor for Innovative Assessment at Maastricht University – currently as Adjunct. In 2011, he was made a Strategic Professor for Medical Education at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia and is also the Director of the Flinders University Prideaux Centre for Research in Health Professions Education.

    I am interested in research into modern assessment, assessment as a programme, development of medical expertise. I wanted to become a fellow of ANZHAPE because I want to be part of a collective of scholars and educators and I see a fellowship as a symbol of that community.

  • 8 Apr 2020 6:00 AM | Jill Romeo (Administrator)

    Leila is a session academic in Clinical education in College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University. In this role, she coordinates clinical education Masters program topics, teaches clinical education research skills to students and mentors research projects. She provides academic leadership, engages in research, and designs and delivers intensive workshops and interactive lab-based activities to students, researchers and higher degree research students. Leila has been working as a health research librarian teaching systematic reviews methodology, evidence-based practice in medicine and healthcare, research methodology and study designs, research metrics, and information literacy to medical and allied health students.

    Leila is currently a PhD candidate in health professions education with Prideaux research centre undertaking a doctoral study on translational research in health professions education. 

    The research areas in which she is interested are faculty development, implementing organisational changes, and educational innovations in health professions education context.  Leila is also interested in improving educational capabilities of clinical teachers, educational leadership skills, and scholarly productivity.

    Leila has applied for ANZAHPE Associate Fellowship to improve her expertise in health professions education field, to gain experience and undertake scholarly educational practice and to develop relationships with health professions educations communities in local, national, and international scales.

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P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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