I’ve worked as a health professionals’ educator for ten years. Starting in my honours year I realised that teaching was something I was passionate about. It was also something I was raised to be, coming from a family of educators. In my current role as a lecturer I coordinate and teach public health and health research methods to Medical, Biomedical, Public Health and Health Science undergraduate students at Monash University. I’ve received awards for teaching excellence, particularly in relation to my contributions to student wellbeing. In more recent years I have conducted health professionals research which focuses on the employability of our graduates. This has included the development of a dataset mapping students careers through LinkedIn and numerous interviews of alumni and students. Some of which I have shared at previous ANZAPHE festivals. I am currently undertaking my Master of Education at the University of Melbourne.
I joined ANZAPHE as an Associate Fellow to connect with liked minded professionals, sharing collective wisdom and resources. As someone who is passionate about others career’s I see this as an opportunity to develop my own. I look forward to expanding my connections with the ANZAPHE community.