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Clinician-educators face unique challenges in their academic and professional development journeys. Sometimes, it can feel like a lonely road unless you find colleagues with similar experiences and interests.

The Clinician-Educators of ANZAHPE Hot Topic Action Group (HTAG) is intended to provide a specific forum for clinician-educators to meet each other, develop connections and collaborations, and share their experiences. We aim to support and promote the scholarship of teaching and learning activities of our members and encourage ongoing professional development through regular networking and learning opportunities.

We encourage participation from Australia, New Zealand and our local neighbours, and we hope fruitful partnerships and international collaborations will arise. Further, we expect our membership will participate in idea generation, scholarship and advocacy that will help shape how clinician-educator careers are designed and measured.

Join the Clinician-Educators of ANZAHPE HTAG and help guide the ongoing discussion about this critical segment of our health professions education workforce!

HTAG leads: Mark Lavercombe

The HTAG lead, Mark Lavercombe can be contacted via (please cc to the anzahpe office).

Please note: HTAGs are open to members of ANZAHPE; if non-ANZAHPE members decide to join a HTAG, they  must become a member of ANZAHPE  to take part in the group.

    See htag members here




    P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
    Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
    Phone: +61 478 313 123
    ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
    ANZAHPE Administration:

    President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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