Congratulations to Emeritus Professor David Prideaux who has had his ANZAHPE Fellowship revalidated for another 5 years. We are excited to retain David as one of our long standing Fellows.
About Emeritus Professor David Prideaux
Re-validation was never a question for me. I value my Fellowship just as I value my 31 years as a Member/Honorary Member of ANZAHPE. I joined ANZAME, as it was, in 1991 just as I was beginning my new career in medical education. I felt instantly at home and have done so ever since. ANZAME/ANZAHPE leaders and members have been great mentors to me in my career and I view the Fellowship as an opportunity to pay some of that back by mentoring others.
I was lucky enough to be able to serve ANZAME/ANZAHPE as Committee Member, Secretary, President and Journal Editor. My Fellowship enables me to continue to serve in another role. I have seen ANZAME/ANZAHPE grow from an organisation that promoted good ideas about teaching to one that is engaged in the scholarship of Health Professional Education. I look forward to contributing to that scholarship through my Fellowship. I am proud to be FANZAHPE.
David Prideaux is Emeritus Professor of Medical Education in the Prideaux Discipline of Clinical Education in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University. He is an educator by background with expertise in curriculum development, assessment and evaluation. His roles have included curriculum design, assessment, evaluation and staff development for the medical course at Flinders. He has undertaken consultancies in the development and change of medical school programs nationally and internationally and has assisted with the development of new medical schools in Australia and overseas. Professor Prideaux’s research interests focus on curriculum models for sustainable and symbiotic clinical education. He has published widely his field of study and has been Deputy Editor of the journals Medical Education and Advances in Health Sciences Education. He has performed a number of roles in accreditation and assessment at the Australian Medical Council and is currently a Director and Chair of the Assessment Committee. He is the holder of the 2004 Australian and New Zealand Association for Medical Education (ANZAME) Award for Excellence in Medical Education and a 2010 Staff Award for Outstanding Contribution to Flinders University. In 2015 he was made a Foundation Fellow of ANZAHPE, the successor to ANZAME.