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Congratulations to A/Professor Simone Gibson on her FANZAHPE revalidation

10 Aug 2022 8:46 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

Congratulations to Associate Professor Simone Gibson who has had her ANZAHPE Fellowship revalidated for another 5 years. We are excited to retain Simone as one of our long standing Fellows.

About Associate Professor Simone Gibson

Associate Professor Simone Gibson, PhD, BSc, Grad Dip Diet, Grad Cert Health Prof Ed is the Director of Education for the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash University and leads postgraduate courses in health professions education. Her PhD focussed on integrating academic and clinical training resulted in new curriculum innovations resulting in enhanced student learning and workplace engagement. Simone is on the editorial board of Focus on Health Professional Education journal and presents and publishes in the areas of education and dietetics. Simone received the 2018 Australian Award for University Teaching in Biological Sciences and Health for teaching excellence and is committed to developing educational quality and innovation in the health professions.

"My scholarly interests include using design thinking in health, involving patients in student feedback processes, graduate employability, programmatic assessment and faculty development in clinical education. My methodologies are mostly qualitative, but I try to use mixed methods where I can (especially if I have access to a statistics expert!).

After seven years as an Associate Fellow of ANZAHPE and enjoying the networks I have made in the association, I decided to update to Fellow status to reflect my career developments achieved over this time. Being part of the ANZAHPE Fellowship scheme is valuable in highlighting my expertise in health professions education, especially as I my role has grown away from my former professional identity as a dietitian. As I lead postgraduate programs in health professions education, I would like to inspire clinicians to pursue careers in this area. Being an ANZAHPE Fellow adds to my credentials and enthusiasm to encourage others to join ANZAHPE and promote health professions education collaboration, scholarship and research."




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