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Congratulations to Professor Tim Wilkinson on his FANZAHPE revalidation

11 Aug 2022 11:18 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

Congratulations to Professor Tim Wilkinson who has had his ANZAHPE Fellowship revalidated for another 5 years. We are excited to retain Tim as one of our long standing Fellows.

About Tim Wilkinson

Tim Wilkinson is Professor in Medicine and medical education at the University of Otago, New Zealand.  He has a MClinEd, PhD and MD that are all in medical education. His research interests are assessment of clinical competence and performance, workplace learning, selection into medical school, career paths, and professionalism. He works as a consultant physician in geriatric medicine. 

A Fellowship of ANZAHPE signifies the value he places in ANZAHPE as a supportive community of health professional educators and his commitment to contribute back to that community. Tim continues to lead our Fellowship scheme, further signifying the importance this scheme plays in Tims life.




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