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Introducing ANZAHPE Associate Fellow Amanda Burdett

1 Sep 2022 8:38 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

Congratulations to our newest Associate Fellow of ANZAHPE, Amanda Burdett.

After earning her degree in Exercise Physiology at UNSW, Amanda Burdett worked in the allied health industry as an Accredited Exercise Scientist and Physiologist, in athletes/sports, clinical services and business management roles across several businesses, including her own! After 5 years of doing that, Amanda took an opportunity to come full circle and return to UNSW to a professional role managing clinical placements for the very Exercise Physiology program she studied, before her passion teaching students within UNSW’s campus clinic saw her transition into an academic role. Amanda’s educational research has focused on the development of suitable assessment tools and marking rubrics to enhance both the student and assessor experience.

"Several very esteemed colleagues, who are also recognised as ANZAHPE Fellows and Associate Fellows, had encouraged me to present my work at the ANZAHPE conference, which I did and thoroughly enjoyed the conference overall. After that experience I was excited to link in with like minded health professional educators to learn from and network with to continually improve my practice, so decided to apply for ANZAHPE Fellowship." - Amanda Burdett




P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
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