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Congratulations to Dr David Lim on his ANZAHPE Fellowship

10 May 2023 1:01 PM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

Congratulations to Dr David Lim on his ANZAHPE Fellowship.

David is the current program conveyer (Director of Academic Program) for postgraduate public health and health science (aged care and health service management, occupational health, digital health) degrees at Western Sydney University. He will be shortly joining the University Technology of Sydney Centre for Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation in July 2023 as an Associate Professor in Implementation Science.

"I have specifically sought to seek fellowship with ANZAPHE for endorsement of my scholarly and scholarship of practice in health professional education because of the alignment of the ANZAPHE Gold Coast Declaration (2014) stance on university health professional education with my personal commitment and underlying theme of my scholarship in transformative change and social justice. As someone who is Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, self-identified as gay and has caregiving responsibility, I have a keen interest in equity and inclusion. Further to my ANZAPHE fellowship, I plan to use this opportunity to increase ANZAPHE’s visibility to non-traditional health professionals and contribute to ANZAPHE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion sub-committee."




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Phone: +61 478 313 123
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