Thank you to #ANZAHPE2024 Bronze Conference Sponsor - The IDEAL Consortium
The IDEAL Consortium is a non-profit international collaboration of Faculties of Medicine which administer their student assessments in English. The IDEAL Consortium share high quality assessment items (MCQs, SAQ, EMQs and OSCEs) with members across the world. Currently, the item bank has more than 25,000 secure assessment items. There is also a non-secure bank of questions for use as formative practice exams. Members could filter and select questions from the bank using any web browser and download from our secure cloud-based server. The IDEAL software also allow local deployment of the written examination electronically.
In 2023, we have developed a new eOSCE module to allow members to conduct the OSCE examinations online using tablets/iPads. Admission of students can be done by scanning the QR code/bar codes. Real-time monitoring of the progress and marks of the OSCE can be implemented and scores are generated automatically.
The Consortium encourages communication among member schools concerning quality standards in assessment, and promotes research for developing international standards in assessment of medical competence.
A/Prof Michael Wan
Secretary General
IDEAL Consortium
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