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  • 7 Jun 2023 12:11 PM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet one of our newest members, Associate Professor Kirsty Freeman.

    Kirsty Freeman is the Academic Coordinator of the Rural Clinical School of Western Australia penultimate year program.  A Fellow of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, she is a recognised world leader in the application of simulation in health professions’ education, with 20 years’ experience in healthcare education, assessment and research. Kirsty has worked across a variety of healthcare disciplines including medicine, nursing, allied health and paramedicine, and has extensive experience in providing simulation-based experiences to undergraduate healthcare students, through to experienced healthcare providers. Born and raised in rural regions of Western Australia, she is passionate about growing the healthcare workforce in rural and remote environments to ensure healthcare access for those communities.  She has delivered presentations, workshops and been invited to speak at national and international conferences. A qualitative researcher, Kirsty is currently completing a PhD exploring impostor phenomenon in healthcare simulation educators, and is co-investigator on research exploring in impact of emotions on learner’s engagement with feedback.

    "It was a fellow educator who introduced me to the benefits of being part of the ANZAHPE community.   Being a member has not only given me access to a variety of relevant resources, it has also provided the opportunity to connect with health professions educators working in different contexts, which broadens my knowledge and skills."

  • 23 May 2023 11:24 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Lyn is a registered nurse and a midwife by background and works at the University of South Australia. Lyn has been working in academia; research and teaching over the last 2 decades. In her current role at Uni SA Lyn is a Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Nursing.

    Lyn completed her PhD in 2017 at Flinders University which explored interprofessional education and collaborative practice in rural settings in South Australia.

    Current interests include the provision of supportive learning environments for undergraduate students, and simulation debriefing. As a person who remains passionate about interprofessional education and collaborative practice, I remain active through being a member of AIPPEN and Interprofessional.Global.

    "I was previously a member of ANZAHPE (quite some time ago!) and have re-joined to reap the benefits of being part of a community of practice and connecting with like-minded people. Attending and presenting at ANZAHPE conferences was very helpful in the development phase of my PhD.

    Being a part of the ANZAPHE community is a great way to meet and learn from other health professionals."

  • 23 May 2023 11:20 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Dr Cate Scarff on her ANZAHPE Associate Fellowship

    Catherine (Cate) Scarff is an academic in the Department of Medical Education, University of Melbourne.  She coordinates a subject in the MD, called Discovery, which provides students the opportunity to study an area of interest outside of the core content of the course.  She attained Fellowship of the Australasian College of Dermatologists in 2006, and commenced further study in medical education to support her supervision of trainees in the College.  She completed her PhD on the topic of failure to fail in 2020.  This work focused on how and why reluctance to deliver negative assessment messages manifests in one medical specialty training area in Australia.

    Her scholarly interests include a range of topics.  In addition to failure to fail, she is interested in professionalism and flexibility in medical education and in particular, how flexible learning options might support and increase diversity in the medical student population.  Clinically, she is interested in melanoma and sun protection and is undertaking studies in these areas currently.

    "I decided to apply for the Associate Fellowship program as a way of demonstrating commitment to both the fields of health professional education and scholarship and to support those at all levels on their education journey."

  • 17 May 2023 8:57 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet one of our newest members, James Bonnamy.

    James is a clinical nurse specialist, educator and researcher based in Melbourne, Australia. He currently works as a Research Fellow at Monash University in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. He is also a Teaching Associate in the Department of Paramedicine.

    James is an experienced educator with particular interest in co-designing teaching and learning activities with consumers and community, particularly in clinical learning environments. His research, teaching and clinical practice transcend health profession disciplines including nursing, midwifery, paramedicine and allied health.

    It was through living the experience of cancer care and survivorship that James became passionate about ensuring the consumer and community voice is at the forefront of health professions education so that care can be truly person-centred.

    "Being a member of ANZAHPE means that I have the opportunity to learn from other experienced health professions educators as well as contribute to health professions education scholarship. I first heard about ANZAHPE when a colleague recommended attending one of their conferences. This conference led to further career opportunities and new professional relationships."

  • 10 May 2023 1:01 PM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Dr David Lim on his ANZAHPE Fellowship.

    David is the current program conveyer (Director of Academic Program) for postgraduate public health and health science (aged care and health service management, occupational health, digital health) degrees at Western Sydney University. He will be shortly joining the University Technology of Sydney Centre for Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation in July 2023 as an Associate Professor in Implementation Science.

    "I have specifically sought to seek fellowship with ANZAPHE for endorsement of my scholarly and scholarship of practice in health professional education because of the alignment of the ANZAPHE Gold Coast Declaration (2014) stance on university health professional education with my personal commitment and underlying theme of my scholarship in transformative change and social justice. As someone who is Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, self-identified as gay and has caregiving responsibility, I have a keen interest in equity and inclusion. Further to my ANZAPHE fellowship, I plan to use this opportunity to increase ANZAPHE’s visibility to non-traditional health professionals and contribute to ANZAPHE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion sub-committee."

  • 26 Apr 2023 10:02 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet FoHPE's newest Associate Editor, Dr Kwang Cham.

    Kwang is a teaching-focused academic within the Melbourne School of Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne. As the School Director of Education Research, Kwang's role is to support teaching-focused academics in research and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Trained as an optometrist, Kwang delivers substantial coordination and teaching duties across all 4 years of the Doctor of Optometry Program within the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences.

    "The ANZAHPE conference was where it all began in 2013. I was inspired by the people that presented and influenced by others that I interacted with. It was always a welcoming atmosphere and I felt that I have found my tribe! Through the support and mentoring at ANZAHPE over the last few years, I have transformed into a health profession educator (though the imposter syndrome still kicks in at times). I have been a member of ANZAHPE since 2019 and became an Associate Fellow that same year.

    This year, I am humbled and grateful to be given the opportunity to serve as an Associate Editor in FoHPE, a journal that aligns with my vision. I am glad to support the ecosystem that I thrive in, and looking at the people that I am surrounded with, it is going to be an exciting chapter of my life!"

  • 11 Apr 2023 3:56 PM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    To celebrate ANZAHPE’s 50th anniversary, a series of articles are being published this year in Focus on Health Professional Education (FoHPE). The articles address ANZAHPE’s core values, looking back over the past 50 years and ahead to the next 50 years of health professional education in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and globally.

    The first 50th anniversary article has just been published in FoHPE’s March 2023 issue, 24.1. Titled The Future Role of Healthcare Mentors and Coaches in Navigating Workplace Culture, the article represents Core Value 6, ANZAHPE is a nurturing organisation. The article was a cross-Tasman collaboration between Romany Martin, Jodie Coley, Ruth Dunwoodie, Roma Forbes, Laura Joyce, Allison Mandrusiak, Christie Noble, Anne Pearson, Jan Radford, Tim Wilkinson and Dale Sheehan.

    The selection of 50th anniversary articles has been through expression of interest or nomination by the ANZAHPE Committee of Management. Each article is written by key contributors to ANZAHPE and their colleagues, and addresses one of ANZAHPE’s core values, outlined below. Series editor is David Prideaux, in collaboration with Tim Wilkinson, Andy Wearn and Karen Scott.

    Core Value 1 ANZAHPE is a multi-professional organisation

    Paper: Inter-professional education for the next 50 years

    Core Value 2 ANZAHPE has always maintained a flat structure

    Paper: Health professional education for inclusive health services in the next 50 years

    Core Value 3 ANZAHPE is built upon critical reflection on its past and purposeful debate about its future

    Paper: Health Professional education for culturally safe practice in the next 50 years

    Core Value 4 ANZAHPE has maintained a commitment to innovation in learning, teaching, assessment and scholarship in health professional education

    Paper: Learning, teaching and assessment in health professional education and scholarship in the next 50 years.

    Core Value 5 ANZAHPE is a collaborative organisation

    Paper: Health professional education for a globally interdependent world in the next 50 years

    Core Value 6 ANZAHPE is a nurturing organisation

    Paper: Mentoring, support and workplace learning for health professionals, educators and researchers in the next 50 years.

    The remaining articles from ANZAHPE’s 50th anniversary collection will be featured in upcoming issues of FoHPE.

  • 11 Apr 2023 8:45 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet our member, Dr Matthew Arnold.

    Dr Matthew Arnold is a lecturer within the Adelaide Medical School at the University of Adelaide. Matt has multiple roles within the school, coordinating the first-year courses of the new Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine program, leading the development of the Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) curriculum, and coordinating a Year 6 elective rotation in Medical Education. Matt is a graduate of Adelaide Medical School, and after working clinically as a doctor upon graduating, he transitioned into a full-time academic role to follow a passion for medical education. 

    Matt has completed a graduate certificate in clinical education from Flinders University, and is currently undertaking a masters by coursework there. It was through this study that Matt first became aware of ANZAHPE and attended his first 'in-person' ANZAHPE conference in 2023:

    "The ANZAHPE community has been extremely welcoming, and it has been so valuable to meet and learn from other passionate educators from various different backgrounds. The 2023 conference was a genuine highlight of the year, and provided such a fantastic opportunity to meet like minded colleagues and develop new friendships. I sought to join the LCT to seek to contribute positively to the continued success of ANZAHPE, and look forward to welcoming everyone to Adelaide in 2024."

  • 11 Apr 2023 8:37 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet our ANZAHPE member and FoHPE contributor, Romany Martin.

    Romany Martin is a physiotherapist who works as a Lecturer at The University of Tasmania. Prior to this, Romany worked in acute hospital settings across Southeast Queensland. In 2022, Romany earnt a PhD in teaching and learning from The University of Queensland, titled ‘Preparing and supporting new-graduate physiotherapists for rural practice’.

    "My research focuses on preparing students and new graduates for the reality of practice in physiotherapy and more broadly across allied health. Recently, I have published an article about the use of simulation for the development of rural empathy, and about the mentorship of new graduates across multiple practice settings. 

    Being a member of ANZAHPE has been hugely beneficial for the progress of my career as a teaching focused academic. Having a central community to be a part of has provided me with great networking, easy access, and navigation of new innovations in teaching and learning, and also research opportunities. Just this year, a group of ANZAHPE colleagues and I wrote a reflection piece for the 50th anniversary of the ANZAHPE’s journal, titled ‘Focus on Health Professional Education’. We wrote a paper about the future role of healthcare mentors and coaches in navigating workplace culture. It was a great experience.

    Many of my colleagues are also members of ANZAHPE and it has been a fantastic way to stay connected to them, since moving Universities after I finished my PhD.

    Being a part of ANZAHPE feels as though I am contributing to and benefiting from the community of practice that is health professional education in Australia and New-Zealand."

  • 6 Apr 2023 9:52 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Dr Shane Pritchard on his ANZAHPE Associate Fellowship.

    Dr Shane Pritchard is a physiotherapist, educator, and researcher based in Melbourne, Australia.  He is currently Adjunct Lecturer (Physiotherapy) and faculty member of the Master of Health Professions Education degree at Monash University.  In 2020 he completed his PhD that investigated innovative simulation-based education approaches for physiotherapy students.  He has published several health professions educational research papers, and remains involved in projects related to working with simulated participants, peer simulation (including with culturally and linguistically diverse students, and comparing online and face to face approaches), planetary health, and private practice clinical education.  He was awarded an ANZAHPE grant in 2021.  Separate to his health professional education and research interests, Shane works clinically as an occupational health physiotherapist, primarily working with clients experiencing complex persistent pain and work-related injuries. 

    "ANZAHPE has been foundational to my academic and health professions education career.  My first conference was in 2012 as an undergraduate student interested in education.  Since then I've enjoyed many conferences, met many like-minded passionate educators, formed relationships that now extend beyond ANZAHPE, and have learned so much from the various activities and people that comprise ANZAHPE.  I enjoy being a manuscript reviewer for FoHPE and contributing to the important health professions education work that is required and happening locally.  As such, applying for Associate Fellowship with ANZAHPE to continue to contribute to the work of the Association seemed like a great opportunity."


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P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
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ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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