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IPE workshop: Focus: Designing and evaluating an interprofessional learning experience

  • 21 Apr 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Zoom (link TBA via email)


Registration is closed

Focus: Designing and evaluating an interprofessional learning experience

Led by: Associate Professor Margo Brewer 

Interprofessional education (IPE) is a key theme in health professional education globally with many accreditation bodies requiring evidence of interprofessional learning for students. Many educators are familiar with the definition of IPE  – “occasions when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care (Centre for the Advancement of IPE, 2002)”  – but experience designing high quality interprofessional learning is less widespread.

In this interactive session, a blueprint for designing and evaluating an interprofessional learning experience will be provided.  After a brief introduction, participants will go into break out groups to work through the design of a learning experience. Participants will be supported through this design process by experienced health professional educators with expertise in IPE, all members of AIPPEN (the Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network) executive.

Margo Brewer has 14 years’ experience leading interprofessional education (IPE) at Curtin University, and completed her PhD in leadership on this topic. Margo has won multiple teaching excellence awards for her work in IPE including an Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching award and the International Best Practice award at a World Business Capability Congress. She has over 25 IPE publications including a HERDSA guide to embedding IPE in the curriculum, and has provided expert advice on IPE to over 40 universities and health services across the globe.

A recording of this session will be made available to all ANZAHPE members and non-member registrants following the session.

We are pleased to provide fee free registration to students, retirees, those experiencing financial hardship and delegates from developing countries.   We trust attendees will take up this option only if they fall into this category and there is no requirement to provide confirmation of eligibility. 




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Phone: +61 478 313 123
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