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ANZAHPE Professional Development (ANZAHPE ONLINE)

29 Apr 2021 8:54 PM | Jill Romeo (Administrator)

One of the issues the PD group has been grappling with is what constitutes PD.   Since COVID the emphasis has been on what we can deliver on-line and invariably in respect to professional development of educators in health professions.

Moving forward we are considering the two strands to the PD Portfolio, embracing both aspects of scholarship; being an educator and a researcher.  In respect to PD in research, Koshila Kumar and Christy Nobel ran an on-line session exploring applying for research grants.  Moving forward and reflecting on the ANZAHPE members survey, we are thinking of opportunities for researchers to network in order to share research experience.  With an onus on research, we are looking for expressions of interest from a Higher Degree Researcher to join the PD Portfolio team – please see this edition of the Bulletin.

We were grateful to Keryn Bolte for running the first PeArLS on-line this month allowing us the opportunity to consider what works well and well can be improved moving forward.   We have two more PeArLS before the ANZAHPE Festival.    


Joy Rudland
Lead, ANZAHPE PD Program




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Phone: +61 478 313 123
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