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Interprofessional Education Update

30 Apr 2021 12:49 PM | Jill Romeo (Administrator)

Interprofessional education (IPE) is a key theme in the upcoming ANZAHPE Festival so keep an eye out for the program, available soon on the Festival website

AIPPEN (Australasian Interprofessional Practice & Education Network) meets three times a year to focus on shared interprofessional priorities and issues. Despite the lack of face to face professional development opportunities, multiple international webinars on interprofessional topics are advertised on the AIPPEN Slack site. The steering committee have also commenced development of an AIPPEN guide and infographic for educators on 'How to facilitate a pre-registration interprofessional student group.' The purpose of this is to have a good concise reference for staff who want to come and help to facilitate IPL or for those staff who find this work within their role and don’t really understand the principles. 

What to know more? Contact:

Fiona Kent, AIPPEN Steering Committee Chair

ANZAHPE and AIPPEN have collaborated in the development of a web-based digital library to facilitate the sharing of IPE resources for the Australian and New Zealand contexts.  Hosted by Nexus, this repository provides peer reviewed resources including presentations, guidelines, reports, links to journal/conference papers and learning modules.

Click here to view the 25 resources currently in the repository

If you would like to submit a resource to the ANZAHPE Resource Repository please complete the submission form and email to

ANZAHPE IPE IPE Resource Repository Submission Form 2021.docx

In addition to the repository, the ANZAHPE IPE Sub-committee continues to work on a professional development event and a grant scheme, both planned fo the second half of the year.  We hope to make an announcement re both of these by the end of June.

Margo Brewer
Chair, ANZAHPE IPE Sub-committee




P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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