Thank you to #ANZAHPE2024 Silver Conference Sponsor - The Australian Medical Council (AMC)
The Australian Medical Council (AMC) is a national standards, assessment and accreditation authority for medicine.
It is responsible for developing accreditation standards and processes across all phases of medical education. It assesses medical programs and their providers against the standards, and accredits programs that meet the standards.
The AMC assesses international medical graduates seeking registration to practise medicine in Australia. It works with regulatory authorities to develop IMG assessment pathways.
Through its partnerships, publications and workshops, the AMC promotes good medical education and practice to support doctors to meet the health care needs of the Australian community. This includes being responsive and adaptive to changing needs and novel challenges.
AMC’s areas of focus:
• medical education
• assessing the need, demand and benefit of proposed new medical specialties
• professional guidance on good medical practice in a changing world
• assessment including developing assessment material, standards setting, examination design and delivery, examiner training and calibration, resource development
• educational change management
• developing and curating assessment, education, and accreditation resources
• training for capability development in accreditation, assessment and medical education
• program accreditation including standards development and review, accreditation processes and practices, and accreditation research
• evaluation.