Congratulations to Inayat Memon on his ANZAHPE Associate Fellowship
After acquiring medical qualification (MBBS) from Liaquat Medical College (LMC) Jamshoro, Pakistan, I joined my alma mater as lecturer in Dept. of Pathology in 1982. Qualified membership in Pathology (MCPS) from College of Physicians and Surgeon Pakistan (CPSP) in 1987. To satisfy my inquisitive thirst and making myself productive and meaningful for the society and institution, I studied further. Qualified Masters Bioethics from Aga Khan University (AKU) Pakistan 2011; successfully completed Master in Medical Sciences-Pathology (MMedSc) from Charles Sturt University (CSU Australia) 2012. To respond to my passion for Medical Education qualified JMHPE in 2020 from Maastricht’s & Suez Canal Universities and MCPS-HPE from CPSP (Pakistan).
I have been associated with teaching / learning medical education since 2006 at various institutions. Currently, I am director medical education and professor of pathology at Indus Medical College (IMC) and The University of Modern Science (TUMS) at T.M. Khan, Sindh, Pakistan. Am visiting faculty in Medical Education CPSP as well. To my credit are more 30 research publication in national and international journals in HPE and about 50 presentations.
I have been associated with ANZAHPE as member since 2021, have had wonderful and lovely experience while joining the activities and conference. My associate Fellowship would further strengthen my networking with other members and fellows. I am certain that would make me wiser to comprehend modern and new HPE approaches and understand the associate fellowship is token of recognition of my commitments with HPE but an honor and privilege as well. I am sure the plate form of ANZAHPE would cultivate my acumen and skill in HPE.