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LIME network news

29 Jul 2020 2:33 PM | Jill Romeo (Administrator)

LIME Connection VIII –  Pouhine Poutama: Embedding Indigenous Health Education

The eighth biennial Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education (LIME) Network LIME Connection was held in Õtautahi (Christchurch), Aotearoa/New Zealand in 2019. The event was hosted by The University of Otago Christchurch. The theme Pouhine Poutama: Embedding Indigenous Health Education was developed by host university representatives Associate Professor Suzanne Pitama and Ms Tania Huria, who sought the support of Te Marino Lenihan (Ngāi Tūāhuriri, Ngati Huirapa, Ngait Huikai).

Check out the Best Practice Approaches to Supporting Indigenous Health Academics in Medical Schools LIME Connection VIII reportHighlights video, and Keynote and panel presentations  Slice of LIME Seminars

The LIME Network Reference Group have developed best practice approaches to support Indigenous Health Academics in medical schools. This document draws primarily on the Australian Medical Council Standards for Accreditation and principles from CDAMS

 Indigenous Health Curriculum Framework. It aims to provide guidance around best practice for Indigenous academics and their supervisors and could be utilised in annual performance reviews or other discussions about roles and responsibilities. 

Download the Best Practices Approaches to Supporting Indigenous Health Academics in Medical Schools

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