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Digital Communications

31 Jul 2020 2:03 PM | Megan Anakin

We hope you’ve been enjoying the functionality and aesthetics of the new website in this first half of 2020. While in-person meetings aren’t currently feasible, we must make the most of the digital possibilities.

One key feature of our website is the ability for members to make contact with any of our ANZAHPE colleagues, direct from the website. Simply head to the member search, view the profile of the person you want to contact, and click the “send message” button to open up the message window. 

Even if you don’t need to connect immediately, a huge benefit is the ability view other members’ profiles to find out more about their scholarly interests and areas of expertise. We also have a public list of ANZAHPE Fellows and Associate Fellows.

Of course, all of this works better when everyone has a complete profile: to see what’s on your own profile, you’ll need to login in. Then, click onto the member icon in the top right hand corner, and choose “View Profile”. You can edit what is there by clicking on the “Edit Profile” button: while all your contact details appear on this page, what others see depends if they are logged in, or not. The public will only see your institution, state, country, and scholarly interests, while logged in members will also be able to see your biography, your email address, your phone number, and send you messages.

If you are keen for more mobile networking opportunities, you can also download our app, which we have launched to support the ANZAHPE Online Professional Development Program. All the session details are available via the app, with registrations for future sessions opening soon. The app also allows for easy communication – just go to the “Attendees” page to see who else has logged in. We will be using the app during the coming sessions to manage participant questions. You can check it out via your web browser, or download it from your Android or Apple app store. Once you have installed the app, simply search for “ANZAHPE Online”.

Finally, thanks for your understanding and patience as we have moved various aspects of the ANZAHPE programme online. I’m very pleased that we have been able to harness current technologies for the launch of the Professional Development series, as well as running the 2020 AGM via Zoom on Tuesday 14 July. It has also been great to be able to launch the Ways of Seeing in Healthcare exhibition on our website. If you have a few minutes, please do check out the exhibition booklet, curated by A/Prof Gabrielle Brand. We are always keen to hear from members and increase member contributions (on the website and elsewhere!), so if you have ideas or feedback, please let us know.

Dr Joanna Tai
Outgoing Digital Communications Portfolio




P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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