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The 2021 ANZAHPE research grants scheme is open!

16 Dec 2020 8:32 PM | Koshila Kumar

ANZAHPE grants are intended to encourage quality research into any issue associated with the education of health professionals. 

In 2021, ANZAPHE is offering up to four Research Grants  for funding up to $5000  each. Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate a link to ANZAHPE’s strategic priorities, which are to:  

  1. Support research and scholarship in health professions education
  2. Develop national and international networks, partnerships and collaborations
  3. Provide strategic leadership around key issues in health professions education
  4. Advocate for equity and justice in relation to health professions education

To access more information about the research grant application materials and process, please visit the Research grants page of the ANZAHPE website.  

The deadline for research grants is 31 March 2021. We encourage anyone interested in applying for a research grant to attend the ANZAHPE professional development event 'Writing a competitive research grant in Health Professions Education' to be held on 11th March 2021. 

Megan Anakin

Hon Secretary, ANZAHPE




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Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
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