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ANZAHPE Membership Categories and Benefits

There are several different categories of ANZAHPE membership to encourage participation from diverse groups.

Select the one below that is appropriate for your needs.

Individual (ordinary) membership ($315 AUD)

For the year of membership, each ordinary member is entitled to:

  • One vote at any general or Annual General Meeting;
  • Attend the annual conference at reduced rates;
  • Attend ANZAHPE online events FREE or at a reduced rate;
  • Receive each issue of the e-Bulletin;
  • Fee free publication in the ANZAHPE online journal, Focus on Health Professional Education;
  • Apply for ANZAHPE Grants
  • Apply for ANZAHPE Fellowship or Associate Fellowship and the right to use the post-nominals FANZAHPE or AFANZAHPE, as appropriate;
  • Nominate individuals for ANZAHPE awards or honorary membership;
  • Nominate or be nominated for a position on Committee of Management.

Corporate membership ($1260 AUD)

Corporate membership provides the subscribing institution for the year of membership, with the following entitlements:

  • Membership for five nominated individuals who will receive all the benefits of individual/ordinary membership;
  • One vote at the Annual General Meeting – first named individual or proxy;
  • Registration of the five nominated individuals to the Annual Conference at the reduced member rate;
  • Registration of the five nominated individuals to any ANZAHPE events or activities at the member rate;
  • Electronic copies of each issue of the Bulletin;
  • Fee free publication in the ANZAHPE online journal, Focus on Health Professional Education for each member.


RETIREE membership ($100 AUD)

This membership category applies to individuals with paid work less than 8 hours per week who would like to retain membership of the Association. This category allows all the entitlements of individual/ordinary membership listed above. Special retiree discounted rates to the Annual ANZAHPE Conference and other online events.



Student members have the same entitlements as ordinary members. Student membership is available to any student enrolled full or part -time in a course to attain their first qualification relevant to health professional education in Australia and New Zealand. For each year of membership, students will receive:

  • All the benefits of individual/ordinary membership; :
  • Special student discounted rates to the Annual ANZAHPE Conference and other events;
  • Eligibility for the ANZAHPE Student Prizes;
  • Opportunity to be co-opted onto the ANZAHPE Committee of Management;
  • Networking with potential research supervisors and educators.


concession membership ($100 AUD)

This membership category applies to delegates from developing countries those experiencing financial hardship.   We trust members will take up this option only if they fall into this category. There is no requirement to provide confirmation of eligibility.  This category allows all the entitlements of individual/ordinary membership listed above. Special concessional discounted rates to the Annual ANZAHPE Conference and other online events.

Developing countries are those listed by the Department of Foreign Affairs at this link:



Honorary Membership is a prestigious category of membership which recognises exceptional, sustained contributions and loyalty to ANZAHPE over a long period of time. It is granted to those who have enhanced ANZAHPE by their special qualities, their continuing interest in the association and by the excellence of their reputation in their field of health professional education. Honorary membership is for life and provides all the privileges of ordinary membership without subscription. This category of membership is by nomination only.




P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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