Ms Keryn Bolte (The University of Melbourne)
Geography and resourcing are acknowledged as factors which can negatively impact learning environments in the rural context. However, there may be other factors such as a lack organisational support or under-utilisation of staff skills and knowledge, with a reliance on external experts to ‘upskill’ rural staff.
There is a gap in the literature examining staff learning; for rural practice there appears a complete absence of relatable publications. The ANZAHPE member network is a unique group from which to draw on existing expertise.
Developing staff skills and knowledge can engender value, aid recruitment and foster retention of the health service workforce. Therefore, identifying the conditions to foster a learning environment in rural health services is a worthwhile discussion among metropolitan and rural practicing health professionals, educators and researchers.
The purpose of this PeArLS is to ask participants who are expert practitioners, researchers and educators to explore their perspectives around how staff learning in rural healthcare settings could be promoted and developed. This conversation stems from the belief that teaching and learning centred approaches can become a cultural norm and such norms could ultimately influence care delivery to become even more holistic, reflective and adaptive.
Issues/questions for discussion:
What does a learning environment for rural healthcare staff look like?
How does the workplace learning environment shape the educational skills and knowledge of rurally practicing staff?
What are the potential benefits and barriers that are unique to a rural health care organisation and their staff, in fostering a learning environment?
Ms Keryn Bolte The University of Melbourne
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