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Associate Professor Margo Brewer
This session is aimed at health professional educators wanting an introduction to interprofessional education (IPE). This interactive session will explore the drivers for this approach within health professional education, what IPE is (and isn’t), and the general principles of effective IPE. Participants are encouraged to build on this foundational knowledge by joining the second webinar in the series 'Approaches to interprofessional education: Lessons for success' on October 21, which explores IPE within four different contexts: the classroom, online, simulation and clinical placements.
Margo Brewer has over 10 years’ experience leading interprofessional education (IPE) at Curtin University, and completed her PhD in leadership on this topic. Margo has won multiple teaching excellence awards for her work in IPE including an Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching award and the International Best Practice award at a World Business Capability Congress. She has over 20 IPE publications including a HERDSA guide to embedding IPE in the curriculum, and has provided expert advice on IPE to over 40 universities and health services across the globe.
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