Led by: Associate Professor Jo Bishop
This ANZAHPE ONLINE event will focus on student support, but whilst supporting students how do we support ourselves as health professional educators.
We will review the challenges typically faced by learners and faculty and how we can put strategies into practice to make a difference
We will consider:
Dr Jo Bishop (ANZAHPE President) Associate Dean, Student Affairs & Service Quality, Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Bond University
Following the close of the presentation the Zoom link will remain open for 10-15 minutes as an opportunity for informal discussion and networking.
A recording of this session will be made available to all ANZAHPE members and non-member registrants following the session.
We are pleased to provide fee free registration to students, retirees, those experiencing financial hardship and delegates from developing countries. We trust attendees will take up this option only if they fall into this category and there is no requirement to provide confirmation of eligibility.
P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline Adelaide, SA 5001 Australia Phone: +61 478 313 123 ANZAHPE Executive Officer: executive@anzahpe.org ANZAHPE Administration: anzahpeoffice@flinders.edu.au
President: Dr Charlotte Denniston Contact: charlotte.denniston@unimelb.edu.au
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