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AIPPEN IPE networking: Exchanging ideas about how to facilitate interaction and create safe learning spaces for IPE

  • 30 Mar 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom (link TBA via email)


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Exchanging ideas about how to facilitate interaction and create safe learning spaces for IPE

In this networking session, we will discuss strategies to facilitate interaction between students in face to face and Zoom classes. Eileen McKinlay and Linda Gulliver will start our conversation with a brief overview of their approach before opening the discussion for others to build on. The goal of this AIPPEN sponsored event is to encourage conversations between people interested in IPE to exchange ideas and share practice. 

Eileen McKinlay is an Associate Professor and Director of the IPE Centre, University of Otago. She has been facilitating in-person IPE for many years. Since 2020, Eileen has worked at adapting IPE for Zoom delivery.

Linda Gulliver is a Senior Lecturer and IPE Academic Lead for the Division of Health Sciences, University of Otago (Dunedin campus). She also Convenes an Integrated Case-based Programme for second and third-year medical students at the Otago Medical School. Linda has facilitated small group learning for medical students since 2005.

This session is free for all to attend. 




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