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MASTER CLASS: Research - 'Telling a good story'

  • 7 Sep 2022
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Zoom (link TBA via email)


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Research: Telling a good story

Presenter: Professor Lorelei Lingard 

Authors are commonly told to include a clear question and purpose statement, at least one theoretical frame for the work, sufficiently detailed methods, balanced reporting of results, thoughtful limitations, and conclusions appropriate to the research design.

As helpful as this advice is, Lorelei believes it misses the fundamental point. Because what separates a mediocre research paper from a great research paper is not such bits and pieces. It is something much more essential. A good story is understandable, compelling, and memorable. It needs a good study at its core, but it uses that study as a launching point to contribute to a conversation in the world about a shared problem. 

Join us in this upcoming ANZAHPE ONLINE event, where Lorelei delves into the difference between study and story.

About Professor Lingard:

Professor, Department of Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University.

Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Senior Scientist, Centre for Education Research & Innovation, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University.


A recording of this session will be made available to all registrants following the session.

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