How do I… reach beyond one profession: Building partnerships for interprofessional supervision
Presenter: Dr Linda Taoube
Date: Thursday 17th April 2025 Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm (AEST)
In this session, Linda will share how her team incorporated clinical placements across a wide variety of health care providers as part of an introductory program to primary care. She will describe the design process, the benefits and challenges of implementing a large scale program including interprofessional placements in the community. Participants will have an opportunity, in small groups, to consider potential clinical placement partnerships for their own disciplines.
This event is FREE for ANZAHPE members. Non-members are welcome to join this discussion for a small fee.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Kind Regards,
Tehmina Gladman Professional Development Portfolio ANZAHPE
A recording of this session will be made available to all ANZAHPE members following the session.
P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline Adelaide, SA 5001 Australia Phone: +61 478 313 123 ANZAHPE Executive Officer: ANZAHPE Administration:
President: Dr Charlotte Denniston Contact:
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