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Introducing Associate Fellow Tehmina Gladman

16 Dec 2020 9:37 PM | Koshila Kumar

I am an Education Adviser for the University of Otago Wellington Medical School. My background is in experimental psychology and I taught for many years before moving in to the field of staff development.  I have been working in health professional education for about six years, first as eLearning Facilitator before making the move to my current position. 

My doctoral work in social psychology led to an interest in how and why students learn, in particular, what motivates students to learn in challenging environments. My current research areas focus on academic motivation in medical education and the use of technology, including mobile technology, to support learning in the health professions. 

I became interested in applying for Associate Fellowship after attending two ANZAHPE conferences. I was impressed with the collegiality and passion for teaching and learning that I saw all around me and wanted to be a part of an organisation filled with individuals so committed to professional development.

Tehmina Gladman




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Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
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